GYROTONIC® L2 Program 2

counts as Up-date


In this Course, Gyrotonic Trainers learn the Gyrotonic Level 2, Program 2 exercise sequences. Strength, flexibility, and coordination is worked in an even and demanding way. Different movment Rhythyms and long movment combinations iare outstanding In the L2 Programs.


Successful completion of the  GYROTONIC L2 Pretraining Prgram 2

Course material:

–  every participant receives a manuel

– receives a QR code to look at the course video or/ and receives access to see the course video in the resource library

Conducted By:

Specialized Gyrokinesis/Gyrotonic Mastertrainer, Anke Hauerstein


4 days/ 20 hours

Timetable (might change):


700,00 EUR *
+ Sutdiofee 70,00 EUR

Course Location:

Studio Information


After successful completion:

– you will receive a qualification to teach the course.


Please ask Manuela Rojko Schranz.

B & B: