Qi Gong


The Qi Gong of the four seasons combines practicing with the rhythms of nature. For every season there is a corresponding organ. Each organ stands in connection with a color, an emotion and an element. The exercises harmonize, cleanse and strengthen the organs, in unity with nature. This is achieved by simple physical exercises, breathing techniques, healing sounds, acupressure and internal organ massages.

Each season, 11 Qi Gong exercises will be learned. Qi Gong always balances out and harmonizes the Yin and Yang in the body.

The Qi Gong of the Four Seasons is a modern Qi Gong that was developed by Zheng Yi (a Chinese Qi Gong master and TCM doctor).

Spring Summer/ Late Summer Autumn Winter
Organ: Liver, Gall bladder Heart, stomach, small intestine, spleen Lungs, Large intestine Kidneys, Bladder
Colour: Green Red White, Gold Black
Emotion: Anger Joys/ Worries Sadness Fear
Element: Wood Fire / Earth Metal Water

Training & Dates

60 min 90 min 120 min
Tryout session/ Single session € 14,00 € 15,00 € 16,00
10 Class Card (group class) € 125,00 € 135,00 € 145,00
Private session € 61,00 € 72,00
10 Class Card (private session) € 530,00 € 640,00

An Online Class: Four Season Qi Gong / will be announced  Wednesday 9:15-10:15 ( Berlin time)

For booking, please write an e-mail to info@ankehauerstein.de or call +49(0)30/69 50 88 29.

10 class cards are valid for 3 months.

Please notice the 24 hour cancellation policy of bookings, to avoid paying for the session.